MEMBER PROFILE YP608-NA-117 Nankana Sahib-I Kamran Shakoor
Kamran Shakoor is a 21 year old individual. He holds the office of Managing Director – Youth General Assembly. He is doing his LL.B from Punjab University Law College, Lahore. He holds certification in Alternative Dispute Resolution from the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb), Negotiation (United States Institute of Peace), Tax Management (University of Punjab) and Good Governance (United States Institute of Peace). Furthermore, he has completed a virtual internship at the Capital Punishment Justice Project (Australia). He graduated from UNLEASH Hacks Pakistan 2021 and UNLEASH Plus 2022. His special interest lies in constitutional law, ADR, and political science which he continues to research on. He strongly believes that youth should be an integral part of the policymaking of this country and through YGA he owes his work for this change.