YP528-NA-63 Rawalpindi-VII Mahnoor Adil

YP528-NA-63 Rawalpindi-VII Mahnoor Adil

Mahnoor Adil is from Village Barahma, District Rawalpindi. She has done Masters in English & is currently pursuing Masters in Education from the same University of Wah. Moreover, she is working as an RJ on FM 101.8. She is also an online English and Communication skills instructor. She joined YPP as she thinks there is a need for political change in Pakistan which is possible only when young people join politics. That’s why she is very interested in politics as it allows her to play her part in a better way for beloved country and serve the public. She is a passionate and motivated person who believes in self-confidence and women empowerment. She says and believes that women can do anything if they want to. As per our religious laws both (men & women) have equal rights. The transfer of rights must be equal for all with respect to the laws.