YP208-NA-208 Khairpur-I Maria Yasir

YP208-NA-208 Khairpur-I Maria Yasir

Maria Yasir belongs to village Muhammad Hareef Shar, P/O Faiz Ganj, Tehsil Pakka Chang, Khairpur district. She was born on 03 September, 2002. Maria is currently pursuing her BA (Hons) degree in History from Government College University, Lahore. With a background in debating and head girl-ship during her schooling and college years, her experience expands over freelancing as well. She possesses a keen interest in youth affairs, interior and education development, and women’s empowerment. Maria’s major desire is to focus on the education development and women empowerment, particularly for the female population of her area. She is the Joint Secretary of the Youth Standing Committee on Human Rights.