YP087-NA-87 Hafizabad-I M. Usman Janjua

YP087-NA-87 Hafizabad-I M. Usman Janjua

Muhammad Usman Janjua is working on multiple fronts. Firstly, he is doing a regular PhD in history from the Department of History and Pakistan Studies, University of the Punjab Lahore. Secondly, he is working as a research assistant in a project, primarily related to the history and functioning of the parliament in different regimes. Thirdly, he is delighted to share that since the completion of his MPhil degree, he is teaching multiple courses in the different departments of University of the Punjab. Now being the member of 17th YPP, he has a vision to work on inculcating democratic and civic duties and training as well as nurturing leadership abilities in the youth of Pakistan. He is the Chairperson of the Youth Standing Committee on Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.