Youth Parliament Pakistan 2008-2009: 2016-05-10

Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development And Transparency PILDAT, building upon its belief that youth development is a critical part of nation-building and of fostering a more democratic and peaceful society, launched the first ever Youth Parliament Pakistan in October 2006. Youth Parliament emerged as a way for young people to “learn by doing.” The Youth Parliament Pakistan is generally patterned after the National Assembly of Pakistan in terms of its rules and practices, The YPP-2007 had a membership of 60 Pakistani Youth from across the country aged between 18-29 years representing diverse socio-economic and educational backgrounds and perspectives – ranging from madressah-educated to graduates of elite academic institutions of the country. During its first year in 2007, the YPP met for 30 days in six sessions at Islamabad deliberating upon national and international issues of concern to youth and formulated and forwarded its alternate policies and recommendations to the Government and other entities.