Introductory Booklet Of 7th Youth Parliament Pakistan: 2015-07-30

The 7th Youth Parliament has been re-oriented to give young members a fast-paced comprehensive orientation and training on democratic and political affairs of Pakistan, legislative processes and leadership skills. The revised model of Youth Parliament Pakistan aims to reach a greater number of young people, 60 each in 4 out of 5 sessions, thereby totaling 240 young members who will receive orientation and training in the 7th batch. The change in model has been envisaged so as to train more and more young people in values of politics and democracy, fact-based and reasoned dialogue and skills in leadership. This Introductory Book presents details about the First Session of the 7th Youth Parliament Pakistan and its selected members. We at PILDAT, as the Secretariat of Youth Parliament Pakistan, look forward to receiving feedback and input of young members and other stakeholders so as to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of this exercise in the future.