8th Youth Parliament Pakistan : Study Visit to UK & Denmark

PILDAT facilitated a Study visit to the United Kingdom and Denmark spanning from November 28 to December 02, 2016. The main purpose of the Study Visit was to facilitate learning about the democratic and Parliamentary systems, institutional measures of public accountability and transparency of Governments. The programme aimed to provide specific learning about the UK and Danish democracies, electoral, Parliamentary and political systems. The aims and objectives of the Study Visit to the UK was to gain an insight into the functioning of the UK Parliament and engage with Members and Officials to discuss issues of mutual interest. The programme focussed to provide an overview of the UK Parliamentary System, including the Committee System, Explore the relationship between Parliament, MPs and the Media, Discuss the relationship and interaction between MPs and constituents, discuss the opportunities in British Politics for Pakistani-origin British Muslims and a comprehensive discussion on Brexit and future prospects. The visit also included a visit to the Parliamentary Education System.
